
Price Match Guarantee


Please note that your product may be eligible for price matching if it fulfills the following conditions:

The product must be identical (i.e., size, model, brand, color, and make), and the country of origin and DOT (if applicable) must be the same to qualify for a price match. The product must also be a new product and available at a qualifying online retailer; it is not included in our exclusions list.

In case we lower our price during the return and exchange period/window, we will match our prevalent lower price. A price match request can only be made by the purchaser of goods (the person who was listed in the “Bill To” section of the order).


Price errors, prices that require a minimum quantity purchase, Bundle offers, Instant Rebates, Mail-in Offers, auction prices, Offers that include financing, Advertisements that require a purchase to receive a gift card, Percentage Off, or Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) advertisements without a specified price, items sold by Marketplace vendors, Employee prices items, special daily or hourly sales, liquidation products (treated as clearance items) and the items for sale on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. and Prices as a result of pickup discounts.

Our Price Match Guarantee covers only new identical items manufactured in the same country. Price Match Guarantee (excludes refurbished items).

We do not match the pricing available to select groups of customers offered through membership programs or loyalty offers.

Frequently Asked Questions-Price Match

How do I request a price match from Skytire.com?

When making a purchase, or during the return and exchange period, price match requests must be made online through chat or phone. Our representaive will immediately review and verify the price provided by you and will price match if successfully verified.

Do you price match for shipping/delivery charges?

No.Shipping/delivery charges (if any) will not be included in the price match comparison.

Do you match the price even if it is below your cost?

Yes. So long the price match requested fulfils the price match criteria we match it regardless of our cost.

After my purchase can I price match?

Yes. If all other price match criteria are met, you can price match during the return and exchange window period.

Will you price match if the product specifications are same but country of manufacture of the product is different?

No.We donot price match with the product of same specifications and brand if country of manufacture of the product is different.

Do you price match if the competitor does not have the item in stock?

No. We do not match the price if it is not available with our competitor.

Is the Price Match Guarantee the same for purchases from Sky Tire's local Warehouse pick up instead of delivery from online store?

No. We do not price match local warehouse pick up items.

Do you price match offers with financing?

No. We do not match competitors' financing offers.

How does the Price Match Guarantee apply to coupons?

We do not match competitor's coupons used prices.

Do you price match for pre tax or post tax price?

We match the pre-tax price only and we do not take sales tax into consideration for price match purposes.

what is treated as sufficient"proof" of price for price match?

It's a competitor's website address or advertisement to verify the lower price and availability of the product with them.

Do you match prices for liquidation or going out of business sales?

No. Items in a liquidation or going out of business sale are termed as "clearance items" and are expressly excluded from the purview of Price Match Guarantee.

Can I get price match differential in another account?

No. The price match difference is posted in the original purchase method or account from which payment was made at the time of the original purchase.

At Sky Tire, customers are our top priority, which is why we always endeavor to make their shopping experience pleasurable with us by offering them the lowest prices and unparalleled customer service.

Sky Tires & Wheels Inc. reserves the right to modify the terms of this price match policy at any time and without prior notice.